Friendly Agents
Dedicated to
Serving Clients

LifeSmart is here to help – Get Started Today

What We Offer to Our Agents

We’re thrilled to be the high-quality, friendly choice for independent agents. Our agents mean the world to us, and we’re here to support their growth from day one.

Personalized Agent Support

Since 2005, we’ve been creating a place for agents who want to bring a powerful AND friendly energy to their work. The basis of what we do is serve our clients — to do that, we offer unparalleled, personalized agent support. When you work with us, you’ll have resources to help you thrive from the very beginning.

Integrity Partnership

LifeSmart Senior Services became an Integrity partner in 2020. Through this partnership, we’re able to leverage a vast set of resources, including a world-class technology suite to better help our agents and their clients. Integrity’s innovative technology includes:

MedicareCENTER — with online quoting and enrollment, CRM, Call Recording and more

LeadCENTER — nationwide high-quality leads, including live local leads sent directly to agents

Exclusive data insights and market analysis to help agents create their own best growth strategy

Ready to expand your career with LifeSmart?

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